Thursday, June 6, 2013

Art Class

Ralph and his Work
John and his Work


This morning at the breakfast table
I watched a woman watch impatiently
The toaster.
She peered into the plated apertures
Where she had placed two slices
Of favourite bread.
She stood on one foot, then the other;
She rubbed her hands and frowned
And looked again.
And finally it popped and lo! Behold!
There was the gift of golden brown repast …
(which would have popped regardless of
Her watch.
And I imagined bringing up one’s children
With minimum supervision,
Until they pop.)

3 June 2013

Joyous Cry

I do not like the endless repetition
                   In what you write, in what you versify.
It’s death and death and death in every strophe.
Do you intend to teach the few that read
Your poems and your fable stories
That this is all we can look forward to?
I beg you, do desist, and like all poets
Employ the license that permits you saying:
Life, happiness, and beauty never, never

I would not claim that death is beautiful,
But it is constant, inescapable,
And thus precedes your life, your happiness and beauty.
You have seen beauty fade, your happiness
Submerged in sorrow, death supreme.
Regardless of your lifetime’s victories
Death conquers all, lays bare the greenest fields.
Be you a fly or homo sapiens,
You end prostrate and speculate no more.

So, would you say that we can not agree?
I fear that’s so, unless you reconsider
The sudden death of joy, of happiness …
I will, indeed   I more than happily
Recall the times…. the few..when we had ceased
To speculate or ponder life’s gyrations,
When all our hunger, our thirst was quenched
In darkness lit by gentle touch and murmurs
And ending in a shattering cry of joy.



27 May 2013

I know why I’m so much at ease
With all that live in this establishment.
We do agree without discussion
That our stay can only terminate
With death.

I never heard it talked about.
It is accepted, never even mentioned,
But it is locked in our brain
That our aspirations, our hopes
Face death;

I do accept this ultimatum.
I try to smile whenever it arises
In idle thinking, contemplation.
I truly hope that when I breathe my last

I’ll smile.

Her Death

26 May 2013

I've kissed the cold lips of my wife
When she had died.
I thought then that I knew
The immobility, the stillness
That means: I’m dead.

That was the first mistake I made
Confronting lips and hands
That would not, could not say:
I love you.. Because it’s I
Had died, not you.