Thursday, May 23, 2013


19 May 2013

Uncertain of my grasp
I reach, I touch.
With shaky steps
I move
To where I plan,
Where I've decided that I’ll find
My breakfast and my friends
Avoiding death
For yet another day.


Dear Jenny,
I am listening to Bach (on the computer) and I have  never enjoyed Bach more. That is because one hour ago I tried to get this program and I couldn't. So I thought maybe, maybe a connection was disrupted (unintentionally of course) when we disconnected the Laser Printer.
It took me about 3/4 hour to fiddle, to search, to plug and to unplug ...
but suddenly I found a male and a female socket unconnected (if you know what I  mean), connected them, restarted Bach, and he blared forth as if he had known all the time what the trouble was.
Bach is still playing and the UPC and I are friends again.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


11 May 2013


I have become as suits a man
Approaching his centennial year
A servant to my mobile phone
Securely attached to me.

It dangles loosely from my belt
Or in my pocket sends vibrations
Alerting me that someone would
Engage me in a conversation.

Let me not denigrate its use.
It makes you speak – you’re not alone.
For these two reasons I propose
That I be buried with my phone.